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Molecular Electrochemistry Laboratory

October 2-6: Prof. Polo delivered an invited lecture entitled “Highly Performing Solar-Light-Driven Photodegradation of Metronidazole by Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Nanocubes” at the Materials Science & technology 2023 meeting, held in Columbus OH, USA. October 2-6, 2023. The research work presented was mainly carried by our amazing Ph.D. students Edlind Lushaj (MECLab), Matteo Bordin, and Letizia Liccardo (Nano4gea). Many thanks and congratulations to the Organizing Committee!
September 18: Welcome to Lorenzo Masutti, new MSc. student at MECLab! Lorenzo's thesis work will focus on the development of biosensing platform for therapeutic drug monitoring. Best wishes.
September 11: Welcome to Elena Sossich, new Ph.D. student at MECLab! Elena will develop biosensing platform aimed at therapeutic drug monitoring and diagnostics in oncology. Best wishes.
September 6: Another excellent news from Angewandte Chemie! Our minireview article entitled "Point-of-Care Testing for the Detection of MicroRNAs: Towards Liquid Biopsy on a Chip" has been accepted for publication. This minireview article was developed through a newly born and fruitful collaboration that involved Prof. Stefano Cinti and Dr. Giulia Moro (University of Naples Federico II, uninanobiosensor), Dr. Chiara Dalle Fratte (University of Milano Statale), and myself. Congratulations to all the co-authors! Please, have a look at the "just accepted paper" at here. Enjoy!
September 3-8: Prof. Polo delivered a keynote lecture entitled “Efficiency of Coreactant ECL of Bifunctional Organic Dyes. Think Different, Choose Wisely” at the symposium organized by the Molecular Electrochemistry Division during the 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, held in Lyon, France. September 3-8, 2023. The research work presented was carried out through a long lasting and fruitful collaboration involving Prof. Flavio Maran, Prof. Sabrina Antonello, and Dr. Daniel Morales Martinez (University of Padova). Many thanks and congratulations to the Organizing Committee!
June 22: Excellent news from Angewandte Chemie! Our research work led by Dr. Matteo Mauro (Institut de Physique et Chemie des Matériaux de Strasbourg) entitled "Binuclear Copper(I) Complexes for Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells" has been accepted for publication. Congratulations to all the co-authors! Please, have a look at the "just accepted paper" at here. Enjoy!
June 18-22: Prof. Polo has been invited to deliver an introductory lecture entitled “ECL of Metal Complexes and Bifunctional Organic Dyes: Features, Applications, Pros and Cons” at the prestigious international conference 54th Heyrovský Discussion on Molecular photo-spectro-electrochemistry, mechanisms and electrosynthesis, TÅ™ešÅ¥ castle, Czech Republic. June 18-22, 2023. Many thanks and congratulations to the Organizing Committee!
June 16: Excellent news from the Italian Ministry of University and Research: our project entitled "Engineering Functional Metal Nanocluster-Protein Architectures for Bio(sensing and catalytic) applications (ProNano4Bio)" has just been selected for funding in the framework of the call PRIN2022 (project of relevant national interest). Thank you MUR and NextGenerationEU. Congratulations to all the team members: Prof. Sara Bonacchi (PI, University of Padova), Dr. Francesco Chiavaioli (co-PI, CNR-Florence), prof. Antonio Ranieri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia). A special thank goes to Prof. Sabrina Antonello (University of Padova) and Prof. Marco Borsari (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) for their outstanding support.
June 5: Welcome to our new Visiting Student, Antoinette Chavasse from ENSMAC-INP Bordeaux, France!
April 12: Work with us! The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) aim at supporting the career development and training of researchers in all scientific disciplines through international and intersectoral mobility, in collaboration with a Supervisor.Our University offers information and full support in the project proposal to researchers applying with Ca' Foscari. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships provide an extremely enriching experience that enhances the career perspectives for researchers. E-mail me directly, if interested ( ​Please, refer to MSCA in the email subject.​
March 16: Congratulations to Leonardo Ferrari, who successflully defended his MSc thesis, entitled "Development of an electrochemical biosensing platform, based on bicyclic peptides as the synthetic receptors, to detect protein cancer biomarker h-uPA", with a final grade of 110 over 110. Bravo, Leonardo! Super! We wish you all the best for the next step and for your career.
January 22-26: Prof. Polo delivered an invited talk entitled the “Effect of selenium integration on the electrochemical properties of Ni-hexacyanoferrate-based nanocubes: the oxygen evolution reaction” at the 47th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2023), Daytona Beach, USA. January 22-26, 2023. Many thanks and congratulations to the Organizing Committee!
January 10: Prof. Polo has been awarded the title of Visiting Scholar by the Institut de physique et de chemie des matériaux de Strasbourg (ICPMS). This summer, Prof. Polo will spend his one-month research stay in the research group of Prof. Matteo Mauro. Looking forward to it!
December 13: Thank you to Dr. Eugenio Cavallo, Attaché Scientifique of the Italian Embassy in Dakar, for organizing the meeting with the students and the Faculty of the Université Alioune DIOP Bambey to celebrate the National Day of Space 2022. Professors Elisa Moretti, Federico Polo e Alberto Vomiero (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) and Dr. Francesco Rossella (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) have discussed about science and technologies of nanomaterials and their applications in aerospace, renewable energies, medicine and green chemistry with Mactar Faye and his colleagues, and the students of Physics course. Please, have a look at the official links: (Twitter); (
December 11-16: Federico, along with Elisa Moretti and Alberto Vomiero will attend the African Materials Research Society 2022 meeting in Dakar. Federico will deliver an invited talk entitled “Aptamer-based Sensing Platform for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Oncology”. Alberto will also deliver an invited talk, whereas Elisa a keynote (! Congratulations to the Organizing Committee! We are looking forward to meet all the nice people and great scientists in person and hear about the scientific progresses in the field after a long, exhausting pause imposed by COVID-19.
October 27: Congratulations to Beatrice Polido, who successflully defended her BSc thesis, entitled "Studio di sonde redox per la fabbricazione di dispositivi elettroluminescenti". Brava, Beatrice! Well done. We wish you all the best for the next step and for your MSc studies.
October 24: Congratulations to Federica Bellemo, who successflully defended her MSc thesis, entitled "Development of advanced nanomaterials for hydrogen production through water splitting", with a final grade of 110 over 110 cum laude. Brava, Federica! Super! We wish you all the best for the next step and for your career.
September 11-15: Edlind and Federico are attending the Italian Electrochemistry Days (Giornate dell'Elettrochimica Italiana) 2022 in Orvieto ( On September 13, Federico will deliver a keynote (KN.7_T03) entitled "Implementing fine-tuning of electrochemiluminescence properties of bifunctional organic molecular systems", while Edlind will give a talk (O.34_T11) entitled "Effect of selenium integration in Ni-hexacyanoferrate-based nanocubes for oxygen evolution reaction". The congress has been organized by the Electrochemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society. Congratulations to the Organizing Committee! We are looking forward to meet all the nice people and great scientists in person and hear about the scientific progresses in the field after a long, exhausting pause imposed by COVID-19.
September 7: Congratulations to Prof. Matteo Mauro, Université de Strasbourg and Institut de physique et de chemie des matériaux de Strasbourg (ICPMS) who has been awarded the title of Visiting Scholar by Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Prof. Mauro will spend his visiting research stay at the Molecular Electrochemistry Laboratory in 2023. Congratulations!
September 6: Welcome back Federica! How was your research stay in LTU, Sweden. We are eager to know the details :-)
September 5: The exam session has just started. Are you ready?
August 31: Prof. Polo delivered an invited talk during the Fall 2022 Chemistry Seminar Series at the University of Connecticut: "Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of Highly Emissive Red Heterobimetallic Ir(III)/M(I) Complexes". Thanks Prof. James Rusling and UCONN for the invitation.
August 12: Last day of work before summer holiday break. See you all in a couple of weeks. Relax and enjoy your holidays!
August 11: Welcome back Edlind! was CIDETEQ and Mexico??? Tell us everything :-)
August 4: Welcome back to our Visiting Scholar, Prof. Fabio La Mantia from Universität Bremen, Germany!
July 21: Congratulations to Alice Costantini, who successflully defended her BSc thesis entitled "Studio di sonde redox per applicazioni in elettrochemiluminescenza". Brava, Alice! Well done. We wish you all the best for the next step and for your career.
July 11: Welcome to our Visiting Scholar, Prof. Vivek Pachauri from Rheinisch-Westfälische Techniche Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, Germany!
June 28-30: Summer Workshop 2022, Joint Doctoral Program in Chemistry. You are very welcome to attend! Here you can find the link to TEAMS platform:
June 21: Welcome to our new Visiting Student, Aymeric Daguillon from ENSCBP de Bordeaux, France!
June 20: Welcome to our Visiting Scholars, Dr. Erika Bustos and Dr. Juan Manriquez Rocha from Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Electroquímica (CIDETEQ), Mexico!
June 8: A new paper entitled "Bicyclic peptide-based assay for uPA cancer biomarker" has just been accepted in Biosensors and Bioelectronics. A great collaborative project with Prof. Ilaria Palchetti (University of Florence) and Prof. Alessandro Angelini (Ca' Foscari University of Venice). Congratulations to all the authors. You can read the article here. Enjoy!
May 23-25: Prof. Polo has been invited as speaker to the workshop "Molecular Photochemistry" at the Institut de physique et de chimie des Matériaux (IPCMS) de Strasbourg, France .
May 3: Today Prof. Neso Sojic from the ENSCBP and University of Bordeaux will give a seminar entitled "Electrochemiluminescence: from enantioselctive discrimination to phto-induced emission on semiconductors". Do not miss the opportunity to meet with a great scientist and electrochemist!
May 1: Welcome back to our Visiting Scholar, Prof. Prof. Neso Sojic from the ENSCBP and University of Bordeaux, France!
April 29: the editorial entitled "Advanced Electrochemical and Opto-Electrochemical Biosensors for Quantitative Analysis of Disease Markers and Viruses" has just been accepted for publication in Biosensors (MDPI). Congratulations to Dr. Najmeh Karimian and Pro. Paolo Ugo with whom I served as guest editor. You can read the editorial here. Enjoy!
April 4: Prof. Polo has been invited as speaker to the XXV Sociedad Iberoaméricana de Electroquímica (SIBAE), Mexico. His talk is entitled "Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence and its Application in the Analytical Field".
February 7: A new paper entitled "Highly Emissive Red Heterobimetallic Ir(III)/M(I) [M(I) = Cu(I) and Au(I)] Complexes for Efficient Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells" has just been accepted in Chem. Mater. Another great collaborative project with Prof. Matteo Mauro from IPCMS Strasbourg. Congratulations to all the authors. You can read the article here. Enjoy!
January 28: Prof. Polo has been invited as speaker to the 46th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2022), Daytona Beach (FL), USA. His talk is entitled "Aptamer-based Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing Platform for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Oncology".
January 24: Welcome to our new Visiting Student, Bernhard Auberger from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria!
December 2: Today at 3:00 PM, Dr. Vivek Pachauri from the RWTH Aachen will give a seminar entitled "Nanoscale transducers for biosensing and realization of bio-inspired systems". Do not miss the opportunity to meet with a great scientist! Dr. Chiavaioli: Light in fiber optics: fundamentals&sensing strategies for high-performance biosensing platforms
November 23: Today at 2:30 PM, Dr. Francesco Chiavaioli from the CNR Firenze will give a seminar entitled "Light in fiber optics: fundamentals&sensing strategies for high-performance biosensing platforms". Do not miss the opportunity to meet with a great researcher!
November 3: Today at 2:00 PM, Prof. Neso Sojic from the ENSCBP and University of Bordeaux will give a seminar entitled "
Electrochemiluminescence microscopy of cells". Do not miss the opportunity to meet with a great scientist and electrochemist! -
October 25: Welcome back to our Visiting Scholar, Prof. Prof. Neso Sojic from the ENSCBP and University of Bordeaux, France!
July 26
Today at 9:30 AM, Prof. Jan Gettemans from Cancer Research Institute Ghent (CRIG) and Universiteit Ghent, Belgium will give a seminar entitled "The versatility of Camelid as a research tool, diagnostic and therapeutic". Do not miss this opportunity! : -
April 27: Congratulations to Jessica Ghirardo, who successfully defended her MSc thesis entitled "Sviluppo di una piattaforma biosensoristica per la rilevazione del marcatore tumorale h-uPA". Brava, Jessica! Well done. We wish you all the best for the next step in your career.
April 21: Congratulations to Anna Rafaniello, who successfully defended her BSc thesis entitled "Sintesi e caratterizzazione di piattaforme sensoristiche per biomarcatori tumorali". Brava, Anna! Well done. We wish you all the best for the next step in your career.
October 27: Congratulations to Ilaria Fontanella, who successfully defended her BSc thesis entitled "Metodologie analitiche ed applicazioni innovative dei biosensori per la diagnostica della celiachia". Brava, Ilaria! Well done. We wish you all the best for the next step in your career.
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